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Doctoral Symposium

call for submission

Doctoral Symposium call

The ACM Multimedia 2010 Doctoral Symposium will provide PhD students working in all areas of multimedia with a unique opportunity to interact with renowned and experienced researchers in the field, and discuss with them about their ongoing research. The Doctoral Symposium also aims at establishing a supportive worldwide community of doctoral students working on multimedia.

The Doctoral Symposium will take place during the main conference. Each accepted PhD student will have 10 minutes to present his or her work. Then a panel of 3 senior experts (expressly chosen by the Doctoral Symposium co-chairs to match at best the topics to be covered) will analyze in detail the work with the author and the audience for the following 20 minutes, providing constructive advice and suggestions. In order to maximize discussion effectiveness during the presentations, the selected candidates will be interviewed by the panelists before the main conference.

Prospective student attendees should already have a clear direction for research, and possibly have published some results. However, in order to fully benefit from the event, it is desirable that the students be not too close to thesis completion.

Selections will be based on a 2-3 page abstract, singly authored by the student wishing to attend. All accepted abstracts will be published in the ACM Multimedia Conference Proceedings. Doctoral students who submit to the Doctoral Symposium are encouraged to submit a paper on their research to the main conference. However, acceptance for participation in the Symposium will be based solely on the abstract written ad hoc for the event. All abstracts will be reviewed with respect to overall quality of presentation, potential for future impact of the research on the field, and expected benefit to the candidate from attending the Doctoral Symposium.

Submission guidelines

Important dates

  • May 7th, 2010 – Submissions deadline
  • July 5th, 2010 – Notification of acceptance
  • July 26th, 2010 – Camera-ready abstract submission
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